Dear Franck, Are strange eyebrows the one and only criteria to be your girlfriend ? Elen Rives : accident Saskia Boxford : coincidence Next time, we will call the eyebrow police!!
Welcome Back Antoine Kombouaré ! After a good season in Valenciennes, we are proud to get our CFA coach back for a bigger challenge (and say thanx for make me discover Lorik Cana a long time ago in youth championship).
Now, if next year is as bad as usual with this f-----g club, I suggest to pronounce DEATH PENALTY for Alain Roche (it's not because you look good that you can do bad).
Ready, Steady, GO !!! Let's start The Pitch Tracker project. You'll find here everything you want about the ball, from game watching to WAGS laughing, the "behind the scene" football from your undercover agent.